Why Are Timber Canopies So Popular?

Why Are Timber Canopies So Popular?


Lots of people will find themselves going with the flow and choosing a version of a product because it is popular, because everyone else is choosing it. However, when it comes to timber canopies, I’m going to tell you why they are so popular, and why all our customers are opting for a timber canopy over a steel canopy.

  1. The Aesthetics
    The appearance of a timber canopy is liked by almost everyone including people with all different tastes. In fact, it’s hard to find someone that doesn’t like the appearance of chunky wood structure against the backdrop of a school, hospital or hospitality setting. When it comes to designing a new build or updating an existing development, pleasing all parties involved is an important factor, so timber canopies always come up trumps.
  2. The Curvature
    What’s even better than a timber structure? That would be a curved timber structure. There’s just something about curved wood that is striking and catches the eye, giving off a ‘wow’ effect. Large structures particularly look dramatic and extravagant. Our timber canopies can also be supplied with mono timber beams for those that prefer a more traditional timber canopy appearance.
  3. They Compliment all Buildings, New and Old
    We have installed our timber canopies against new builds as well as within the grounds of old buildings including this Tarnhow Dome Timber Canopy which we installed within original castle ruins that are hundreds of years old as shown below. The photo at the bottom of the page shows an example of where we have installed our timber canopies against contemporary new build.
  4. They Can Cover Extra Large Areas
    Many of our canopy designs can cover areas that are up to 12 metres wide with an unlimited length. This allows you to cover extra large areas as well as much smaller areas if required.
  5. There’s a Choice of Design
    We have five different timber canopies for you to choose from including wall mounted and free-standing designs as well as curved and flat roof structures. You are sure to find a design that fits in with what you have in mind, if not, because our structures are all made to order we can alter the design, so you have the perfect canopy, bespoke to your requirements.
  6. Choose from a Selection of Colours
    You may think that a timber canopy comes in just a few different shades of timber but you’re wrong. Our timber canopies are available in a total of 13 different stains. 10 of which are traditional timber colours including mahogany, different shades of oak, teak and pine with two different shades of grey and white for something a little different.

Download ‘Totally Timber’; a guide to timber structures, to find out everything you need to know about timber canopies or contact one of our canopy experts on 0800 389 9072.