What Activities Could you Include at a Spring Fete?

What Activities Could you Include at a Spring Fete?

While the school calendar often centres around two fetes a year, the Spring time is an excellent opportunity for fundraising at a Spring fete. Not only are there opportunities to showcase what you’re looking to fundraise for, whether it is a new bike shed, sports equipment, or perhaps a school canopy, there are plenty of opportunities to showcase what your school is worth.

So here are some of the activities that could be included in a spring fete that will give your event something special.

Petting Zoo

Whether you’ve got the animals at your school or you hire them out, a petting zoo at a school fete is going to attract families from across your school. A petting zoo is also a great way to add education to the event and keep things very seasonal, especially if chicks or babies can be at the event.

Games and Events

There are so many spring games that can be included at the event that is going to be perfect for the mood. You could have some sports events, fishing for plastic ducks, coconut shies, and more. Games and events are fantastic ways to earn money as well as you can charge for participation.


There are so many springtime competitions you can host at your event. For example, you can host a bonnet-making competition, poetry, dress-up, or something else. You can make your event special to your school. You can host several competitions for the day at once and get sponsorship for each even using them to donate prizes and pay to be mentioned.

Food Stalls

Food stalls are very popular for Spring events. You can reach out to local food producers and get them to run a stall at your event. Have them pay a small table fee for the chance and you can earn a lot of money from the events.


Whether it is live music or stage performances outside, there are plenty of ways you can get creative with entertainment to raise funds or just have something interesting for your event. Reach out to local groups who might perform for free because they can get exposure at your local event. For instance, a local theatre group might perform a few scenes from an upcoming production to get ticket sales.


A spring fete might not be something that you’ve considered before, but they’re an excellent community event that can help you raise funds for your school. Above are five options for you to consider, which one will you do? What other options are there that you do?

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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