Secondary School Fundraising Ideas

Fundraising within secondary schools is a whole different ball game to primary schools as you have a different audience. In order to gain as many visitors to your event, the type of event needs to fit in with the age range of your pupils as these will be your main audience/visitors.
Fashion Shows
Fashion shows are always popular within high schools. Your textiles students can design the outfits and they model them themselves or ask their friends to model them. You can charge an entry free for the audience and offer refreshments to gain even more profit. You could also get your photography students involved and they can take photos which can be on sale after the event as a keepsake for those involved and the parents of those involved.
Talent Shows
Talent shows are another fundraising event that works really well within secondary schools. Students & teachers can get involved and take part in the show. This a particularly fun event and you can have a judging panels to choose the winners or get the audience involved and let them choose a winner. Again you can charge an entry fee to the audience and offer refreshments.
Car Boot Sales
Car boot sales work well with any fundraising groups as long as you have a field that is large enough or a hall that is large enough for an indoor table top sale then it should be a success as long as you advertise it well. You can charge an entry free to stall holders and visitors as well as holding your own stalls to raise extra cash. Remember to advertise with leaflets and posters.
An advertisement in the local paper usually works well too.
Art Exhibition
This is fabulous for your older students that are taking art for GSCE or A Levels as they can exhibit their work and hear comments from other students, parents and teachers. Hearing positive comments can give them the boost they need to carry on with their studies and you will be raising funds for your project at the same time! A small entry free can be charged to visitors and if the students are happy, then you can sell their artwork on their behalf to raise more funds for your school.
Balls, Proms & Discos
Discos don’t always work too well within high schools as they get to that age where they no longer consider them to be “cool”. However, discos are still popular for the younger students such at year 7’s and this encourage them to mix with other students rather than their current group of friends. Balls and proms are hugely popular within high schools for school leavers and sixth form students. This is the last chance for the pupils to be together in a social way and you will find that most, if not all students will attend your ball or prom.
Dress Down Days
This is a low maintenance and easily planned funding event. You can hold this as often as you like on any regular school day. Pupils can “dress down” for the day and wear their own clothes instead of their school uniform. Each pupil must pay a small fee to take part such as £1, this soon adds up even if only half of your students take part!
Download our Fundraising guide today for even more fundraising event ideas
that are perfect for secondary schools:
Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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