Five Positives Of Outside Learning For Children

Five Positives Of Outside Learning For Children

In recent years, more children have been keeping themselves indoors and not learning about the environment that is literally on their doorstep. Even in schools, a lot of learning still takes place in classrooms. Yet children should be encouraged to interact with nature and learn more outside.

There are several benefits to outside learning that can help children become more rounded individuals that can provide more opportunities as they grow up. So what are the five benefits of more outside learning for children?

  1. Healthier Minds And Bodies

Children who play and learn outside are more likely to have positive mental well-being. They’re also less likely to suffer from obesity or other health problems. Therefore, children can be more healthy and be absent from school for less.

  1. Higher Levels Of Retention

Children who are learning outside can sometimes experience higher levels of learning retention. Whether they’re learning about the natural world around them or have a massive maths lesson on the field, they can learn with less knowledge loss outside.

  1. Increased Confidence

Learning outside often means children are using skills, tools and resources that they’re not accustomed to. While they are bound to make mistakes, by trying more they can improve their skill set and this can improve their confidence levels.

  1. Better Communication Skills

Whether they’re building something under the school canopy or playing in the forest school, children who are learning outside will often have to work with others. This requires them to communicate more with their classmates to complete tasks. This is a very important skill that they need for all subjects and in life.

  1. It’s Fun

Children can have lots of fun when they’re playing and learning outside. This is an important part of learning and a great way to encourage them to have a positive experience at school.


Learning outside is a great way to build your student’s skills and experience at school. Above are five positives from learning outside that are all great reasons to move some lessons to the school playground, school canopy or even the forest school.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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