Planning a Fundraising Strategy

Planning a Fundraising Strategy

When you need to raise funds for your school or charity, you need to create a plan. After all, failing to plan is planning to fail. But do you know how to plan a fundraising strategy? Do you know how much to include? Some plans are just too incomplete. This just wastes your time and can mean you are unable to maximise potential returns for your time.
So here is a quick guide to planning your fundraising strategy to get the best results.

1. Set A Goal
Every year you should set a goal for what you need to fundraise to meet current needs. This amount should be allocated to specific projects – such as new equipment, maintenance, or outsourcing.

Don’t guess how much things are going to cost you – always get a quote for the work.
Remember the best goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely). If your goals don’t fit this acronym, then you need to rethink them.

2. Who Can Help
You need to know who can help with fundraising and write it down. This should be people that have confirmed their commitment, not just those you hope will help.

You should also write down what skill or talent each of these people brings and how they can be best applied to your fundraising plans.

This might mean you need to contact a few people and ask. But it might also mean that you get a clearer picture of how people can help, and hopefully, firm commitments.
You should also note what contributions you will make to the plan. Although you might think you’re doing a lot, others might not be aware of all your hard work, so ensure you include this in your written strategy.

3. Resources You’ll Need
Now you need to identify what resources you will need to make your plan a reality. Will you need a tent, equipment or perhaps food?

Identify the necessary resources, how long you’ll need them, where you will acquire them from and how much they will cost. This could include comparisons if you haven’t decided on a purchase yet.

Don’t forget to ask contributors what resources they can offer to support your needs. You might be surprised at how much they can offer.

4. Set A Timeline
Now you need to create a schedule for what you need to do to run your fundraising event. At what time will resources and sponsorships need to be collected, for example? Know when things need to be done so you can assess your abilities.

5. Market Your Fundraising
Now you need to market your strategy to those who can help. Let them know what is expected of them and remind them of what they’ve offered. Also, show them what you want to achieve.

Whatever fundraising ideas you have, a plan should be the first thing you produce. It might take a while to create, but in the long-term, it will save you time, money, and resources. It will also allow anyone helping you to see what you aim to achieve.

Do you write fundraising strategies?

Let us know in the comments below.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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