Why its Important to Plan Autumn Fundraisers Now

Why its Important to Plan Autumn Fundraisers Now

It is never too early to start planning school fundraisers! The end of the summer term is a great time to start thinking about projects for the next school year. You can use the time at the end of the school year to think about what purchases could enhance the children’s time at school.

It is much easier to organise school fundraisers if you have a project in mind. This could be raising funds for playground equipment or a school canopy.

Here are five more great reasons why you should plan your autumn fundraiser now.

Make Sure Everyone Keeps the Date

Birthday parties and family events get planned quite far in advance. If you choose a date and time for your event, you can let everyone know really early on and ensure that they save the date for your fundraising event in their diary.

Time To Collect Sponsors

Local business are often keen to support local schools and their fundraising activities but it can take time to get in touch, get responses from those who are interested and then formalise their offer.

You may need the sponsors in order to plan other aspects, such as a sponsor who wants to be on a program or poster. This needs to be arranged prior to having the program designed and printed.

Collecting Items

If you are planning a tombola for an autumn fair, you will want to give people plenty of time to clear out at home for good quality, unwanted items to donate.

You might also want to ask the children to create some artwork or craft that can be sold at an autumn fair to raise funds for your project.

Time For Advertising

Your event may be open to the public to raise more funds, so you will need plenty of time to put out posters, hand out leaflets to parents and spread the word in the local community.

You could give the children extra leaflets to hand out to grandparents, aunties and uncles, etc. The more people that hear about your autumn fundraiser and attend, the better your budget will be.


There are lots of reasons why you should start thinking about your school’s autumn fundraising projects now. It will give you plenty of time to plan a great fundraiser for everyone to enjoy.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
For more information please contact us

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