Outdoor Classroom Day

Outdoor Classroom Day

Since its establishment in 2011, Outdoor Classroom Day has grown into a globally recognised event, with hundreds of schools participating around the world. This special day highlights the importance of outdoor learning and play, offering children valuable experiences that enhance creativity, imagination, and social skills through hands-on activities in nature.

Outdoor learning opens up new dimensions for teaching, providing opportunities for lessons that go beyond the traditional classroom. Here are just a few ideas for outdoor lessons:

  • Art: Create landscape scenes or use natural materials for creative projects.
  • Science: Study plant growth, explore pollution effects, or examine different habitats.
  • Math: Measure heights, calculate areas, or practice percentages in a real-world context.
  • Nature or Number Hunts: Engage students with fun scavenger hunts for natural items or mathematical clues.
  • Geography: Explore the local area to learn about its geography or local recycling practices.
  • Weather: Build a weather station and track weather patterns.

At Able Canopies, we specialise in affordable and stylish canopy solutions that allow you to make the most of outdoor learning, providing protection from harsh weather or intense sun. Our range includes sun protection options, like tensile fabric structures, shade sails, outdoor classrooms, awnings, and solar canopies.

Learn more about how we can help you create engaging outdoor spaces: www.ablecanopies.co.uk/our-products.html

For more information on Outdoor Classroom Day, visit: www.outdoorclassroomday.org.uk/

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round
Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
For more information please contact us

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