New Christmas Fayre Ideas for Fundraising

Christmas is a fantastic time of year to raise funds for your school. If you are looking for a new investment, such as PE equipment, musical instruments, or a new school canopy. There are so many options for Christmas Fayre fundraising, but it can be difficult to find enough new ideas to generate excitement for your grand fundraising event. Here are some new ideas for you:
Pick and Mix Christmas Gifts
You could ask parents to donate sweet treats and then set these up in trays. Purchase some pretty sweet cups with lids, sweet bags, or boxes, and then have the children and adults fill their sweet cups and make great gifts for friends and family. You can raise money by charging per sweet cup and an additional fee, perhaps for decorating the cup with festive stickers.
Food Stalls
How about making the food stall interactive, like decorating biscuits? You could have some shop-bought or homemade biscuits, and children could pay a donation to decorate their own biscuits. You’ll need plenty of icing, sweets, and icing pens, but you can buy these in bulk. It’s an activity that people often don’t get around to at home, so likely to be very popular.
Badge Making
For your craft stall, why not try badge making? You could keep it simple by using Christmas wrapping paper as the base of the badge and then decorate it. The badges can be bought in bulk fairly cheaply, so this makes a unique craft activity. The children can then wear their badges for Christmas Jumper Day too.
Guess the gifts in the present
When you collect items for your tombola, you could put some aside to fill a large box and then wrap up. You can then ask people to guess how many gifts are in the box. Whoever guesses correctly can win the box of gift items. If you have more than one person to guess correctly you can put the names into a draw to select the winner.
Funny Photos
You could set up a scene for people to take photos to remember the event. Have lots of photo props related to Santa, like hats and beards. You could even take instant pictures and make these into cards. Just make sure you charge enough to cover your costs.
Here are some great new stall ideas for your Christmas fayre to help you raise funds for your latest project, like a new school canopy. Do you have any new ideas for your Christmas fayre? Let us know in the comments.
Download our A-Z Fundraising Guide for even more ideas from A right through to Z!
Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
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