Investments to Make Before the Autumn Term

After a busy year of fundraising for your school, you will now be looking for how to allocate those funds. You might have a project planned which has already been advertised, but if your fundraising has far exceeded your estimates, what should you spend the money on? You may not have even decided on your goals for your PTA funds this year.
So what investments could you make with your school’s fundraising money before the new autumn term begins? Here are some great options.
Sports Equipment
You are likely to have had a lot of help from the PE staff in running your fundraising activity days. Whether this is selling tea and coffee on sports days to helping you set up fun family games at the summer fete.
They will be grateful for additional sports equipment as some items, particularly athletic equipment can be very expensive. Have a chat with the PE team and see what they can suggest.
A School Canopy
A school canopy is a great investment option. A canopy will enable children to play and study outside while being protected from the sun’s harmful UV rays and adverse weather like wind and rain. Outdoor learning and play benefits children in many ways, so this option is worth considering.
You can also use the canopy to store play equipment that’s used regularly to prevent it from being damaged by the elements.
Playground Equipment
New playground equipment can enhance pupils’ ability to enjoy their lunch breaks and to socialise with each other. You could choose to purchase climbing equipment which would take up a significant chunk of your investment.
This is also an ideal option if you purchase a canopy and have a small amount of remaining funds, you could then purchase some hoops and balls for example for use at lunchtime. Ask your headteacher for some advice on playground equipment that could benefit the students.
Outdoor Benches
Outdoor benches are a great addition to any school playing field. They make a lovely place to sit at lunchtime so children can eat outside. They are great for celebration events at school and can also be used for outdoor learning activities such as art or reading.
When you have worked so hard all year to raise money for your school, you will want to invest the funds wisely. In this article, we share some great investment options for your school before the autumn term.
Download our A-Z Fundraising Guide for even more ideas from A right through to Z!
Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round
Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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