6 Ways to Improve Fundraising at Your Secondary School

6 Ways to Improve Fundraising at Your Secondary School

Fundraising within secondary schools should not be put on a back burner, just because you wouldn’t run novelty Christmas fairs like a primary school would, doesn’t mean you can’t raise lots of ££’s for your school. In fact secondary schools have an advantage when it comes to organising events – you have older students that can get involved!

Asking students to help with fundraising will not only free up teacher’s time but it will also offer many benefits to the students. They will learn to work as a team with some taking on a leadership role if required.

If you make the students responsible for working out how much they need to raise for each activity/project and for monitoring the progress of the fundraiser, they will become effective team members, learn to deliver on their responsibilities and develop financial awareness and budgeting skills.

They can also learn expenditure skills. Ask them to source refreshments that can be sold at the event and ask them to work out how much they could sell them for to enable a sufficient profit whilst still selling them at an affordable and appealing price.

Here’s some top tips for improving fundraising at your secondary school…..

  1. Involve parents, teachers and students, whilst making the students take the lead to enable them to gain the benefits as mentioned above and to give them the reasonability and trust that they are rarely given as they are young teens.
  2. Think big – if your project is a big one them organise a big event to give yourself a head start
  3. Organise events that would appeal to not only parents, but the local community as well such as car boot sales, classic vehicle shows and food and drink fairs. These events bring in big crowds and would be perfect for advertising any other events you have planned.
  4. Try to always use your school as a venue, you will avoid any hiring costs and the less you spend organising an event, the more you raise for your project! Canopies enable you to hold events outside in the good old English weather. The events can be held undercover, encouraging the local community to still attend, even in poor weather conditions.
  5. Create a varied programme of activities, don’t stick to the same thing every year, mix it up a little whilst keeping the most popular fundraisers such as car boot sales.
  6. Ask for advice and share ideas – At the start of the new school year, ask last year’s fundraising students and parents to come in and share ideas and experiences with the new team. Don’t be afraid to talk to teachers from other schools either to ask them for advice. You’re all in the same boat, trying to raise funds for the benefit of your students and you could pick up some really useful advice.

Good luck with your fundraising, I hope it goes well! Download our Brochure to view our range of canopies that would be perfect for outdoor events and ensuring your carefully planned fundraisers do not get rained off!

Download our canopy shelter and shade sail brochure

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round
Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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