How to Get Sponsors for an Autumn Event

When planning an autumn event like a Halloween dress-up party or a harvest festival, you will want to maximise the funds you raise. You might want to purchase computer equipment, sports equipment, or a school canopy, or have something else in mind. One way to increase the funds you raise is to get sponsors for your fundraising event.
Decide What to Offer Sponsors
You will need to plan what you would like to offer sponsors. This might be an advert at your event, such as a film night. You could advertise business on the big screen in rotation while everyone is finding their seats and buying their snacks and drinks. You can increase funds by charging admittance and for food and drink on the night.
You might want to host a Halloween fayre and offer to advertise local businesses in the program or on a board at the event as a sponsor of the event. This would also work well with a quiz night where you could advertise local businesses on the answer sheet. Increase the funds you make by charging teams to play the quiz, then offer prizes donated by the sponsors.
Decide What You Can Offer
Before you contact local businesses, consider how you can benefit them and why they should sponsor your event. Contact businesses that will have an audience with the parents at your school such as activity centres, party businesses, local sports centres, etc.
Contact Local Business
Contact local businesses either by letter, email, or phone to see if they are willing to sponsor an event. Have a clear set of criteria for those that wish to sponsor your event. If you have different-sized adverts, then stick to the pricing you plan for sponsorship so it is fair across all local businesses. If you are happy to accept donations as sponsorship, which you can use as prizes, decide what you will and wonโt accept. You might want to have a minimum gift donation, for example.
Offer Stalls at an Exhibition
If you have an autumn art exhibition or an autumn fayre, you might want to offer local businesses a stand at your event in return for sponsorship. It can be a nice way for local businesses to connect with the parents at their local stalls. This could work particularly well if you host a craft fayre and invite local craft businesses to sponsor and hold a stall at your event.
Here are four great tips to help you get sponsors for your autumn fundraising event at your school. How can you raise more funds and connect your school with the wider community? Let us know what your autumn fundraising plans are.
Download our A-Z Fundraising Guide for even more ideas from A right through to Z!
Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
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