How To Encourage Children To Exercise Outside

How To Encourage Children To Exercise Outside

Without access to an outside area like under your school canopy, going outside can be too hot or too wet, depending on the time of year and weather forecast. But outside time is vital for your childrenโ€™s mental health. So how can you encourage it? Here are some ideas.

1. Incorporate Your Lessons into the Outside Time
Teach children about map drawing and then get them to draw a map of their street, garden or other outside area. Ask them to take a photo of them outside drawing the map. The local area can be a great inspiration for this type of work.

2. Ask Them to Collect Items
Kids love to find and collect things from outside. So have that as part of your work. Ask them to go out into the schools field or playground and find five man-made items, five things made from wood, five things that are natural, etcโ€ฆ These small tasks will have the children running around the garden in no time.

3. Outside Time
Outside play helps to break up the day and help children to refocus and be more productive in their learning. You should discourage TV and computer games if youโ€™re doing a lot of work via technology.

4. Sport Challenges
Sports challenges are a great way to get the children active. Give them a challenge every week to improve a particular skill. For instance, keeping a ball in the air using only their feet. Tell them to try on Monday and then practice throughout the week and show you via video how well theyโ€™ve improved on Friday.

The weather forecast doesnโ€™t have to stop children spending time outside. It just means that you have to be creative to work it into your lesson plans. Try some of the ideas above to help you out now.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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