How a Canopy Can Help at SEN Schools

How a Canopy Can Help at SEN Schools

Rewarding outdoor play…
With an outside area, you can introduce rewarding activities such as planting flowers and groceries along with keeping small animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs. These activities will give your students a sense of pride and they will flourish and build confidence as they see the seeds they planted grow and the animals they care for live healthy lives.

Create a relaxed atmosphere…
Working outdoors will also provide your students with new conversational and relationship opportunities with their peers and teachers. They will open up more and talk about things that they wouldn’t usually talk about within the classroom as they will feel they are talking to a friend rather than a teacher.

Exploring different senses…
The outdoor world hosts incredible possibilities for sensory stimulus with a wide range of different feels, smells, sounds, shapes and colours from the natural environment and surrounding architecture. It is also important for children with sensory impairments to get the most from the senses they are able to experience.

Enjoy outdoor play all year round…
All of these stimulating activities can be experienced under a canopy during both the hot, sunny weather and the cold, rainy weather keeping your students sheltered. Having a canopy installed will therefore enable outdoor activates to be enjoyed all year round so your students will not only benefit in the spring and summer, they will also benefit in the autumn and winter too! With each season comes a new smell, sound, colour and texture making each season an exciting new experience.

Ashburnham School Children’s Centre, London
Ashburnham School Children’s Centre created a covered outdoor play area to offer their children freedom and independency at their children’s centre in the London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. Find out why they chose to create a covered outdoor play area and what the positive effects are that it has had on their children’s learning and play experiences here.

To find out more about our canopies and how they could benefit your SEN school click here or call us on
0800 389 9072 you can also email us:

Download our product brochure below to view our product range or click here to view our freestanding canopies, wall mounted canopies and disability access canopies.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
For more information please contact us

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