Five Ways To Celebrate Senior Students Leaving

Five Ways To Celebrate Senior Students Leaving

As you come to the end of the school year, you will be starting to think of ways to celebrate senior students leaving. Your students will have passed exams, had sporting/music achievements and more. They will have made lifelong friendships and planned for their future studies and/or careers.

Here are five great ideas for ways to celebrate your senior students leaving.

  1. Prom

Still a very popular end-of-school event, many students will expect a prom. If you are concerned with the affordability of prom dresses and suits, start planning early and collect donations from parents, local businesses and charity shops.

  1. Yearbook

Ask students to submit their favourite photos from the year. You will need permission for all students in any pictures, so you might want to stick to photos taken by teachers or during school trips and events throughout the year. You could hire a photographer to take photos of all the students that want to be in the yearbook.

  1. A Final School Trip

You could arrange a final school trip. Perhaps you could take the students to a tourist destination in London for the day, like the Natural History Museum.

  1. Outdoor Cinema

You could ask students to bring rugs or blankets to sit on and set up a large outdoor screen to show a great film. You could include a photo montage of student pictures. You could use your school canopy to serve refreshments, such as popcorn, sweets and drinks.

  1. Meal Out

Individual classes could arrange meals out. This can be a lovely way to celebrate the end of the year for students. Meals could be arranged by class, for example, the A-Level Physics class could arrange a meal or the meals could be arranged by form or a sign-up option.


As the school comes to the end of the year, you will want to find a way to celebrate your students who are moving on. Above are five great options. Which one will you choose?

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