Five Forest School Activities This Autumn

Five Forest School Activities This Autumn

With the return to school soon to come, students will be eager to get back to learning and enjoy time with their friends. The Forest School environment is one of the best places for both. So what are the best activities in this area of your school?

1. Bug Hotel

This simple activity is getting the children to build a place of residence for the bugs in the forest school. This can help children learn more about nature around them and be good for the insects that require homes.

You could use logs, crates, bricks, bamboo canes and sticks to build your bug hotel. Your students can be very creative in this role.

2. Duplication Game

Collect 5 to 10 items from the local area and then get the children to find the same item from the forest school. Items that are collected can include stones, sticks, leaves, seeds, etc.

The great thing about this game is that in wet weather, it can be played under a school canopy. Therefore, you don’t have to change games even if the weather does.

3. Build a Den

Den building is a great way for children to understand more about their environment, materials and themselves. Building a den is also a good confidence-building activity that can also help with team building.

You can make den building a great competition too or invite other classes to rate the dens later on. Provide lots of ground cover sheets or blankets to make the process easier for children and try to have an adult per team to keep an eye on preparations.

4. Bubbles

Get children excited and jumping around by having a bubble party in the Forest School. A bubbles party can use a portable bubble machine or children can blow their own. In addition, you can use the time to teach children about bubbles, talk about the colours, the moment and what makes them pop.

Bubbles is a great way to get children to exercise too.

5. Maze Fun

If your children are particularly creative, you can get them to create a maze for fellow students and teachers to navigate. Mazes can be any size, from little mazes drawn on the ground to bigger options made with sticks and stones.

Children can even start the work indoors on paper and then bring out their plans to the Forest school, allowing lessons in map drawing and reading to be included.


The Forest School at your educational setting is a useful tool that can be used all year round, regardless of the weather. Above are five ideas for your students to use their nature area, learn something new and engage friends all at the same time.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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