Managing Risk in Your Early Years Setting

Managing Risk in Your Early Years Setting

Outdoor play is essential in Early Years settings as it offers so many benefits to children that are at the vital learning age. It opens up their learning experiences and offers an abundance of textures, smells, sights and sounds. It is also unpredictable, but in a good way; the weather can change at any given moment and children will experience being outside at one with nature, insects and birds that may enter the play area.

It is also important to fill your outside area with open-ended resources to extend creativity and curiosity. This can include wooden blocks, mud kitchens (which are very popular and can be made from recycled items) dream catchers, and water and sand tubs. Introducing resources that are made from natural resources also adds to the experience of being outside around nature.

The outdoors is a fantastic place to teach children the risks of the outdoors and how to keep safe whilst exploring. It’s important to remember that an abundance of sterile equipment and surfaces causes an increase in accidents.

Our structures are the perfect outdoor play canopies for early year’s settings, enabling your children to learn and play outdoors all year round, whilst keeping protected from the sun, rain and snow.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round
Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
For more information please contact us

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