Create a Team Spirit Between Pupils and Staff

Create a Team Spirit Between Pupils and Staff

When it comes to educational plans, there is often talk about creating the group experience or community spirit. However, how does that work in a busy educational setting? What can be done so that students (teachers and parents) don’t feel alone while with you? Here are some of the key tips that can make all the difference.

  1. Leadership Counts

One of the key aspects, according to Joe Sanfelippo, a leadership expert for schools, is that leaders need to show that they care. If your leadership team aren’t out and about at key times, people will think that they don’t care and then why should anyone else care?

This isn’t just about being in the playground during break, this is about being out at the front of the school, under a canopy if it’s raining, and greeting parents and children. The more you are seen, the more opportunities you will have to create a great team spirit.

  1. Create Awards

Celebrate successes and achievements for everyone. It shouldn’t just be the students either, teachers should also be awarded with teacher of the month awards. And why not get the parents involved and offer them an award for their hard work? After all, some of them spend countless hours helping to raise funds for your school.

  1. Keep Staff Informed On Outside Achievements Of Students

A quick congratulations for a student’s achievement when outside of school can really make them feel as if they’re part of a wider community. To help with this, in staff meetings, or through email, make sure that any achievements of students are being passed around to staff so they can pass on their recognition of the success.

  1. Set Aside Time For Community Building Exercises

Create time when students have to work together to create something that they’ve all produced. This could be something as simple as a school play or could be a fundraising event for the school. If all the students can take pride in the final outcome, they’ll feel a sense of belonging, joy and community.

Does Your Educational Setting Have A Community Feel?

What could you do to create a better community feel at your school? Take our suggestions above and make your school a community hub as well. You might see better results, behaviour and even more community spirit towards your school from others.

Let us know how you help to build community as well.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round
Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
For more information please contact us

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Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round
Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
For more information please contact us

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