Walk this way – the benefits of covered walkways

A covered walkway can often been seen as a luxury product, particularly by schools and organisations with limited funds. This is a fair observation and it certainly is true that your site will be able to function without a walkway. However, the benefits a walkway brings to a site often far outweigh the initial cost. Not only can it link your site together, providing an integrated feel to your setting, it can also improve the experience of your staff, students, visitors or customers as they travel around your site.
Covered Walkways for Schools
Few schools have the luxury of housing all classrooms and other school facilities in one building. Often there is a multitude of buildings, particularly at secondary level, that can be spread around a large site. As the intake in many schools increases, the movement around a school during a lesson change can be chaotic even on a pleasant sunny day, but throw a heavy downpour into the mix with a large amount of children and the mad dash which ensues can cause slips and trips as well as collisions between pupils as they run for cover. Providing a covered walkway helps to ensure movement around a school site is measured and sensible, whatever the weather. Students have no cause to run during the bad weather and these areas can be used as outdoor social areas during breaks and lunch times, providing students with much needed access to fresh air to keep their brains alert and ready for learning.
Staff and visitors to your site will also welcome a more comfortable way to travel around your school. And prospective students and parents will be reassured of your concern for your pupils’ welfare.
Covered Walkways for Retail
Covered walkways are useful in any retail setting that requires outdoor product display, garden centres and car showrooms in particular can benefit from a covered area. In an outside retail environment a covered walkway can also serve as a sales device, leading your customers around your site and past particular products which you may want to highlight to them. It can also mean that customers won’t be put off from visiting your store in bad weather and can encourage them to venture outside to browse they take a more leisurely pace around your site.
Covered Walkways for Healthcare
A covered walkway can also be beneficial in a healthcare environment. It can be used as a link way between hospital, or care home, buildings, providing staff, patients and visitors with a dry journey around the site. At Able Canopies we can provide side fills to create a more enclosed walkway to make the area less exposed and more comfortable for people using the walkway.
To discuss your walkway needs or to request a free site survey and quotation call us today on 0800 389 9072
To view all of our walkways products, and lots more download our brochure:
Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install commercial grade canopies, shade sails,
awnings and shelters across the UK. We specialise in servicing the education, leisure,
healthcare and retail sectors and have extensive experience working with
schools, councils, architects and contracting firms.
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