Umbrella Lights

Add lights to your commercial umbrella to allow for outside dining during the darker evenings.


Umbrella Lights
Umbrella Lights

As a restaurateur or someone who works within the hospitality industry, you are always looking at ways to provide your guests with the ultimate dining experience and that doesn’t stop when it comes to outside dining. Adding lighting to your umbrellas will enhance your diners experience whilst they are on your premises.

Umbrella lights will keep the area under each umbrella subtly well-lit so that those underneath can still enjoy their meal whilst socialising and drinking.

Our umbrella lights are only available with the BlenheimRichmond and Drayton Umbrellas.

Features & Benefits

  • Extend Umbrella Use â€“ With the addition of lights, your umbrella can be used into the evening, keeping the area underneath well-lit
  • Secure â€“ You can keep an eye on what is happening under your umbrellas in the evening and see clearly what is going on, reducing the risk of crimes
  • Energy Efficient â€“ The umbrella lights are all LED lights and are 80% more efficient than traditional lighting such as fluorescent and incandescent light
  • Non-Toxic â€“ LED lights contain no toxic elements
  • Long Life Span â€“ LED lights have a longer life span which means lower carbon emissions
  • Strip Lights â€“ The Richmond and Drayton are available with strip LED lights
  • Spot Lights â€“ The Blenheim is available with spot LED lights

Design & Specification


LED Lights
The Lights feature LED bulbs which are energy effiecnt and have a long lifespan.

Spot and Strip Lighting
The Richmond and Drayton are available with strip LED lights and the Blenheim is available with spot LED lights.

All lights are securely fixed to the umbrella arms.

Product Brochure

Download our product brochure to view our full range of Commercial Umbrellas & Accessories:

Download Umbrella Accessories Brochure

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