Funding for Schools

Funding Opportunities & Grants for Schools

You will find below a list of links which can help you to find funding for your school. We regularly update this page, so please check back for the latest information.

Click here to download a free copy of our Funding Guide which
outlines a selection of grants that are available to schools, nurseries
and universities across the UK.

Free Funding Guide for Schools


UK Wide Grant and Funding Providers

Sport England Movement Fund – The Sport England Movement Fund offers funding for schools, sports clubs, charities, local authorities and not-for-profit companies with grants of up to £15,000. The main aim for the grant is to help get more people active in England.

Baily Thomas Charitable Fund â€“ The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund donates grants of up to £5,000 to schools working with young people with learning disabilities. Grants can be used for capital building, renovation and refurbishment and play schemes. Applications are accepted throughout the year.

Ernest Cook Trust â€“ The Ernest Cook Trust gives grants to registered charities, schools and not-for-profit organisations wishing to encourage young people’s interest either in the countryside and the environment or the arts (in the broadest sense) or aiming to raise levels of literacy and numeracy. Grants relating to the education of young people range from £100-£4000.

Esmee Fairbairn Foundation  – The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation aims to improve the quality of life throughout the UK. They award grants towards the promotion of cultural life, education, the natural environment and enabling people who are disadvantaged to participate more fully in society.

The Foyle Foundation â€“ An independent grant making trust that distributes grants to UK charities in the areas of Arts and Learning

The Prince’s Countryside Fund â€“ The Prince’s Countryside Fund awards grants to projects which aim to reconnect people with the countryside.

The Wolfson Foundation â€“ The foundations aims to support excellence in the UK, generally through their funding in the fields of health and education. Grants are generally given for capital infrastructure to schools, universities, hospitals, museums and historic/religious buildings. Their grants generally range from £1,000 to £8,000.

The Wesleyan Foundation â€“ The Wesleyan Foundation award grants from £2,000 to £10,000 for voluntary organisations and schools in the UK. In 2021/2022, they are making their grants available to organisations that are looking to resolve issues caused by the on-going pandemic. They are favouring outdoor projects or projects designed to improve mental health or personal and social development.

Regional Grant and Funding Providers

A selection of funding which is only available to certain areas:

Sutton Coldfield
Sutton Coldfield Charitable Trust
 â€“ Sutton Coldfield Charitable Trust (SCCT) provide grants to schools and other organisations in the Sutton Coldfield district up to £40,000 or even more. One of our school customers have already successfully funded their canopies from SCCT.

City Bridge Trust â€“ The City Bridge Trust offer funding via their Working With Londoners Grant. They have 7 different sectors to help the London area with Accessibility, Environment, Mental Health etc and can offer up to £500,000 to sector organisations and registered charities.

London Marathon Group – The London Marathon Group are offering grants from £10,000 up to £80,000 through their Active Spaces Fund to improve sports spaces and inspire activity in London.

North East England:
Hadrian Trust 
– The Hadrian Trust awards funding for projects within the North East of England whose aims are to improve areas such as: Social Welfare, The Disabled, Youth, Education etc. Their average grant ranges between £500 to £2,000

Southwold, Suffolk:
The Adnams Community Trust â€“ This award offers grants within the range of £100 to £2,500 to causes within 25 miles of Southwold. Their grants are made under the general headings of: Education, Health & Social Welfare, The Arts, Recreation, Buildings/Community Facilities and The Environment/Conservation.

Selected Area Grant and Funding Providers

Biffaward â€“ Community funding scheme which offers grants of between £5,000 and £50,000. Biffa Award awards grants to projects that are within a certain distance of an active Biffa operation. Both the Main Grants Community and Small Grants funding schemes require an active Biffa operation to be within 10 miles of the project site. However, if you’re applying under the Main Grants Biodiversity or Flagship Scheme the radius is extended to within 25 miles.

Magnox Socio-Economic Scheme â€“ Funding scheme offered by Magnox with the aim to mitigate the impact of decommissioning on local communities living near Magnox Ltd sites. Grants are offered between the value of £100 to over £100,000. Education establishments, community groups, voluntary groups etc local to these sites can apply for funding.

Other registered Landfill Site Operators also offer funding for projects within a specified distance of their sites. A list of registered landfill site operators is available from the HMRC website: List of Registered Landfill Site Operators

School Grant and Funding Directories

Grants for schools â€“ You need to subscribe to use this service but they do offer a free trial


Good Luck with your Funding. Need help with your completing you application?
Download our Free Funding Guide for tips and ideas.


Please note: Able Canopies Ltd. have not been endorsed by any of the above charities/organisations in anyway. Our previous customers have that stated that they have successfully received funding from these sources and we have mentioned them for your information only.


If you have any questions, or to find out if you qualify for a Free Site Survey contact us today