CPD: Bringing the Inside Outside
Bringing the Inside Outside CPD
Click play to watch the CPD below:
CPD Useful Links & Further Information
Specification Website
Download technical files quickly and easily
We have a dedicated specification website to make it easier to specify our products. You can download PDF, DXF, IGES, STL and DWG files directly. www.thecanopyexperts.co.uk
Request your personal username and password from marketing@ablecanopies.co.uk
BIM Models
Find our products in the NBS BIM Library
You can easily specify our products using the NBS BIM Library, visit: www.nationalbimlibrary.com/en-gb/able-canopies-ltd/
NBS Source
Find our products in the NBS Source Library
Our products are listed on NBS Source (previously RIBA Product Selector): https://source.thenbs.com/manufacturer/ablecanopies- ltd/c6maNiLKUt5Z9QHsXiD1tS/overview
Architect & Contractor Newsletter
Receive our monthly updates for the construction sector
We send out a quarterly newsletter titled OCZ (Outside Comfort Zone) which is created specifically for architects & contractors; it contains news relevant to the industry and our recent and current projects. You can view previous copies of the newsletter here: www.ablecanopies.co.uk/architect-newsletters.html
If you’d like to sign up to receive the newsletter, please send an email to marketing@ablecanopies.co.uk
Canopy & Shelter Brochure
Download or request a copy of our product brochure
Visit: www.ablecanopies.co.uk/brochures to download or request a copy of our commercial canopies brochure.
Specification Essentials
Essential Specification Details for our Products
Download here: Specification Essentials