It’s Not Too Early To Plan For Fundraising 2021-2022

It’s Not Too Early To Plan For Fundraising 2021-2022

While the end of the 2020–2021 school year is close, thoughts should be directed towards the 2021-2022 and especially towards the fundraising efforts. There are many things that you could be raising funds for. For instance, you could want to install a new school canopy, improve computer equipment throughout the schools, or perhaps general maintenance of the buildings.

Whatever the cause, now is a great time for you to plan these fundraising events. Here are some tips to make them a success.

1. Choose A Cause

Unifying everyone behind a single cause can really help you to raise funds. If you can show parents/local communities what they’re contributing towards, whether that is an image, illustration or a speech, then you will get more donations or spending at the event. Be specific and show the costs and the end results and don’t forget to sell the benefits for the students.

2. Speak To Sponsors

It doesn’t matter what event you’re hosting or the goal of the event, sponsors can really help. They can supply gifts, prizes and even advertise your event across the local area. The more time you’ve got, the more sponsors that you can get and in exchange, they can gain some goodwill from the community.

3. Get Marketing Materials Ready

Be sure that you can get marketing materials created early. The more time and awareness that you can build ahead of time, the better the turnout there will be for any sponsorship event. Include flyers, posters and tickets, and start posting on social media and forums.

4. Start Fundraising

Before the event starts, you want to start fundraising so when people come to donate, they know they aren’t the first ones. The first donation is always the hardest, but if they see others have already donated, then it can often encourage others to join in. You can ask sponsors to donate to the cause or ask their staff members.

5. Be Prepared

Whatever event you’re planning, ensure that you’re prepared for every possible block. That way, when something goes wrong, and it often does, you know what you’re doing to make it work. You might have for example, changes in the weather that make holding an event outdoors impossible, so do you have space to take it inside?


Fundraising is a great way to secure funds for a new school canopy, computers, or general maintenance of the school. However, if you want the best results from fundraising, it is best if you plan ahead. So go out now and plan for your Autumn fundraising events.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
For more information please contact us

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